Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I Am So Sorry!
In my course of blog surfing I came across a blog that was doing a Pink Saturday Post each Saturday. I decided to join in and also decide to start a separate blog just for those posting.
Well low and behold I have been spending all my time on my new blog I got so involved that I started running contests each month. We just had a "DO YOU DARE" Contest which you had to dye, tint or paint your hair pink to enter. It was so much fun that now that it has ended ...I came up with another pink contest. If your curious as to what this one is all about, you'll have to come over sometime and check it out. Cut off for entering is Wednesday, Jan 7th., so hurry on over and get your entries in.
As for this blog......I do have so much more also to share with yous and promise I will do more posting real soon. Maybe I will have to come up with some kind of contest having to do with the old and tattered treasures in our lives.
Until then..thanks for stopping by, and Happy New years to you all.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Roses & Ribbons, Such a Lovely Combination

The above photo is one of the finished pieces from one of many tattered treasure that I was so lucky to find. I'm really quit happy with the way this lovely chair turned out. What a difference a day and a little paint can make. The photo below is the way I found her, so cold and grungy all alone in a corner at the goodwill store just begging me to take her home and give her a makeover.

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Never Have White Clouds Been More Beautiful

Driving along the back roads all the sudden I could see what almost appeared to be large white clouds, but they were not in the sky, but on the ground ahead of me. As we got a little closer, my heart stopped....oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I screamed. My husband started yelling calm down, calm attention to the road not whats on the side. I pulled the car to a quick stop and bolted from the car, I think it was still moving. Well the white clouds were tons of old and tattered pieces of white painted furniture. White, white and white everywhere. Never, ever will I resist the opportunity to take the back route again.
I first spotted two white cane round back chairs. "How much for those chairs?" I shouted out. The guy says $20.00 for the both. The words "SOLD" couldn't come out of mouth fast enough. I proceeded to ask the price of different pieces and continued to say "SOLD". Every thing was about ten or twenty dollars. The last piece was a hallway coat rack. I thought well maybe this is going to be too high, but what the heck give it a try. As I once again asked and he said $10.00....I looked at him in such awe and said "what are you crazy?" He must of thought that my expression and saying what in such astonishment, that he was asking too much so he immediately said well how about $5.00. Oh my gosh I've died and gone to heaven. Here I thought he was asking too little to begin with and now he says $5.00. What was this man thinking. "Oh ya, I know what he was thinking, old and tattered junk, just get it out of here. His loss my gain. Could ones day get any better, I think not.
I ended up with (2) night stands, (1) cabinet, (2) cane back chairs, (1) two piece corner desk unit, (1) very gorgeous display table, (1) hallway tree cabinet, (2) old plant stands, (2) long shelves, (1) old magazine rack and some odds and ends. Then to close the gate to heaven so no one else could have a chance to nab these treasures up...... this guy says "seeing your buying so much, I'll let you have it all for $50.00. Now I know I really had died and gone to heaven.
My husband just sat in the car the whole time shaking his head. He did although occasionally peek his head out the window asking "Can I ask you just how do you think were going to get all this in the car and where in heaven are you going to put it all when you get home?" No way was I passing this up, even if I had to carry it home on my already broken back.
I immediately once again was on the phone calling my son to come with his truck and rescue me, boy it's sure nice to have such a wonderful, helpful son with a truck (but at this point he's probably wishing he didn't own one). Well as always, there he was to help and within an hour the stuff was loaded up and ready for its new home. These pieces and others are now being done over and will be for sale on my site in the future.
Well, I had better close up for awhile and get, so much too do. What have I gotten my self into now.............Helppppppppppppppp
Until then, happy treasure hunting to you all, and may your days be filled with the joys of life..............
Does It Ever End

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Well, Its Finaly Done
After two coats each of Kilz primer, paint and topcoats its done. I just absolutely love it. I also changed the knobs and added some appliques which I think were the finishing touches.
This newly painted buffet has also been added to my new shabby chic loft/office space along with the chair and desk I did previously. I am actually get ahead of my self for I even painted the shelve on the wall and the old bird cage white too (both from yard sales), it's like I now can't stop.
Now with these tattered treasures all newly painted I'm on my way. I can now start decorating the room. I plan to do a plate collage and more. It's all coming together just as I hoped.
I hope you stop back again soon to see the finished room filled with many tattered, old and worn treasures that were all found at yard sales. It's amazing what you can find out there exceptionally when you looking at what appears to be junk with a vision in mind.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
OH! So Dark and Dreary



I had now found these two old and tattered pieces in the hopes of creating some of my first of many shabby chic treasures. At first I was going to paint it white like the desk, but then decided why not try out some of the other warm and inviting shades of this new style that has now consumed all my thoughts. After all this was a whole new venture for me.
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I already had a Baby Website but had been contemplating opening another also. I then decided to combine them both under a new name "Shoppes on Boutique Drive" this way I could have more than one department and include some of the shabby chic, romantic, tattered vintage items that I was falling in love with.
This gave me the desire to go out to antique shops, flea markets, tag sales and more. As I began to look at some of these pieces I found myself looking at them in a whole new way then I ever did before. I could now imagine them being used in different ways or painted a different color or even to be left as they were.
Now all this old and tattered stuff was all the sudden brought to new life in my head and I couldn't stop there. I decided to buy a couple pieces of furniture to take home and see what I might be able to create out these treasures that I just found. I now was consumed with wanting to know all the ways that I might be able to transform these pieces. Again I spent hours researching the Internet for articles on different techniques for painting furniture and creating that shabby chic, romantic, vintage look.
I now was on the look out for items for resale and furniture pieces to re-do.
As I continue to post, I will show and tell of my journey to the shabby chic, romantic, vintage and tattered world. A lot has transpired since the day I became hooked and I will share it all with you in my next postings.
Until then, happy treasure hunting to you all, and may your days be filled with the joys of life.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Hello & Welcome
I'm new to blogging but have to start somewhere. Hopefully before long my pages will be filled with exciting and enticing articles and photos for your viewing pleasure.